2015/07 ̶ 至今,mk体育,mk体育,教师
2010/09 ̶ 2015/07,四川大学/中国工程物理研究院,凝聚态物理,提前攻博
2006/09 ̶ 2010/07,周口师范学院,物理学,学士
1.国家自然科学基金(11747110),2018/01 ̶ 2018/12,结题。
1. Ma Guoliang, Gu Jianbing*, Sun Bin, et al., Electronic and optical properties of adsorption of Zr-atom on vacancy defective graphene: First principles calculations, Comput. Theor. Chem., 1206 (2021) 113468.
2. Gu Jianbing, Wang Chenju*, Sun Bin, et al., High pressure third order elastic constants of MgO single crystal: First principles investigation, Zeitschrift für Naturf orschung A, 70 (2019) 403.
3. Lv Changwei, Wang chenju, Gu Jianbing*, First-principles study of structural, elastic, thermo dynamic, electronic and optical properties of cubic boron nitride and hexa gonal boron nitride at hig h temperature and high pressure, Acta. Phys. Sin., 68 (2019), 077102.
4. Wang Chenju, Gu Jianbing*, ZhangWangxi, et al., Nonlinear elastic response and anharmonic properties of MgO single crystal: First principles investigation, Comp ut. Mater. Sci., 124 (2016) 375.
5. Gu Jianbing, Wang Chenju*, ZhangWangxi, et al., High pressure structure an d elastic properties of Tantalum single crystal: F irst principles investigation, Chin. Phys. B, 25 (2016) 126103.
6. Gu Jianbing, Wang Chenju, Yan Cheng*, et al., Structural, elastic, thermodyn amic, electronic properties and phase transition in half-Heusler alloy NiVSb at high pr essures, Compu. Mater. Sci., 96 (2015), 72.
7. Gu Jianbing, Wang Chenju, Zhang Lin*, et al., First-principles investigation of structural, mechanical, electronic and bonding properties of NaZnSb, Frontiers of Physics, 10 (2015), 107101.
8. Gu Jianbing, Wang Chenju, Yan Cheng*, et al., Probing the structural and ele ctronic properties of boron cluster anions doped with one or two aluminum atoms, Co mput. Theor. Chem., 1049 (2014), 67.
9. Gu Jianbing, Yang Xiangdong*, Wang Huaiqian, et al., Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of boron cluster anions doped with aluminum atom. Chin. Phys. B, (21) 2012, 043102.