2019-01 至今, mk体育,mk体育,材料科学与工程专业,专任教师
2019-09 至 2020-08, 河南省南阳市方城县产业集聚区管委会, 挂职锻炼,管委会副主任
2013-09 至 2019-01, 燕山大学, 材料学(碳材料及其复合在储能和能源转换领域的应用), 博士
2009-09 至 2013-06, 河南工业大学, 材料科学与工程(超硬材料及制品方向), 学士
1.河南省自然科学青年基金项目:三维Fe-N-C 基纳米复合材料的制备及其酸性介质中高稳定催化氧还原反应机理研究(232300421340),主持, 在研。
1.S. Jia, Y. , X. Ma, Q. Huang, Q. Zhang, X. Cheng, Q. Li, Y. Zhang, W. Cheng, M. Liu, Y. Mu. Synchronously anchoring of Ni12P5–Ni2P heterojunction nanoparticles in the 3D graphene composite bonded by N–P co-doped porous carbon as an efficient bifunctional catalyst for alkaline water splitting. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 61 (2024) 503–512.
2.S. Jia, Y. Cheng, Q. Huang, Q. Li, Q.Zhang, Z. Wang, Y. Zhang, N. Zhang, Y. Mu, One-step synthesis of Co2P/N-Pco-doped porous carbon composites derived from soybean derivatives as acidicand alkaline HER electrocatalysts, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 47(2022) 24796–24806.
3.Zhang, Q.; Liu, Q.; Fang, J.; Li, Q.; Cheng, X.; Qin, W.; Gao, Y.; Wang, Z.; Ma, X.; Liu, B.; Zhang, Y.; Sun, Y.; Mu, Y.; Jia, S.(通讯作者); Huang, Q. Biomimetic Construction and Preparation of High-Strength Carbon‑carbon Composites Reinforced with Highly Disordered Nanocrystalline Graphite and Reduced Graphene Oxide. Diamond and Related Materials 2024, 145, 111090.
4.Zhu, G.; Li, Z.; Guo, H.; Li, G.; Zheng, Y.; Liu, X.; Pan, H.; Dong, L.; Zang, J.; Jia, S. Iron Tuning Electronic Structure of Nano-TiN Embedded in Carbon Nanofibers as Efficient Single-Atom Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2024, 979, 173604.
5.贾少培, 宗泳吉,黄权, 李其松, 张茜, 李彩玉, 王志新, 穆云超, 蛋白质衍生氮掺杂碳用作电化学能源材料的研究进展, 材料导报. 37(15) 1–24.
6.S. Jia, J. Zang, P. Tian, S. Zhou, H.Cai, X. Tian, Y. Wang, A 3-D covalently crosslinked N-doped porous carbon/holeygraphene composite for quasi-solid-state supercapacitors, Microporous andMesoporous Materials. 293 (2020) 109796.
7.S. Jia, J. Zang, W. Li, P. Tian, S.Zhou, H. Cai, X. Tian, Y. Wang, A novel synthesis of Prussian bluenanocubes/biomass-derived nitrogen-doped porous carbon composite as ahigh-efficiency oxygen reduction reaction catalyst, Electrochimica Acta. 289(2018) 56–64.
8.S. Jia, Y. Wang, P. Tian, S. Zhou, H.Cai, H. Gao, J. Zang, A simple synthetic route of N-doped mesoporous carbonderived from casein extracted with cobalt ions for high rate performancesupercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta. 250 (2017) 16–24.
9.S. Jia, Y. Wang, G. Xin, S. Zhou, P.Tian, J. Zang, An efficient preparation of N-doped mesoporous carbon derivedfrom milk powder for supercapacitors and fuel cells, Electrochimica Acta. 196(2016) 527–534.
10.高岩峰; 贾少培; 刘奇鹏; 黄权; 张茜; 李其松; 王志新; 成晓哲; 穆云超. 金属磷化物在电解水制氢中的应用研究进展. 工业催化 2024, 32 (1), 1–13.